Applications now open for NGA grants

In addition to its annual donations to nursing and health charities, the National Garden Scheme (NGA) grants awards to help community gardening projects.

Set up in memory of Elspeth Thompson, the much-loved garden writer and journalist who died in 2010, the scheme was originally managed in partnership with the Royal Horticultural Society. From 2019 the scheme will be wholly managed by the National Garden Scheme.

Elspeth was a great friend and supporter of the NGA; she also wrote an admired ‘Urban Gardener‘ column in the Sunday Telegraph. Her column often celebrated community gardens and so the awards support gardening projects carried out within local communities all over England and Wales.

To date, awards have been given to 59 projects with a total amount donated of £112,174. In 2019, projects funded included the enhancement of grounds around sheltered accommodation at the Court Community Garden in Llandrindrod Wells as well as support to renovate a dilapidated allotment site in Nottingham.

The closing date for applications for this round of grants is DECEMBER 31st 2019. To find out how to apply and to download an application form please visit:

Picture credit: banner ©Reckless Gardener.