Bush cherries from Lubera

If you like the fruity delights of bush cherries you should check out the Lubera range who have an aptly Shakespearean selection to choose from.

These delicious summer fruits grow closer to the ground so they can be picked and eaten as you pass by, brining you very quickly to Cherry Paradise! Lubera’s wide range of bush cherries cover the most important uses, flavours, growth types and ripening times

Bush cherries are about 2m high and the plants grow bushy and develop very strong side shoots. The Lubera range offers us something of the Shakespearean romance with varieties including Cherry ‘Valentine‘, Cherry ‘Juliet‘, and Cherry ‘Romeo‘.

Cherry ‘Valentine’

Because of its bright and shiny colour, Valentine is a stunning all-rounder. It is never really dark even when fully ripe and thus retains the attractive colour. It can be used for decorating dishes and also in desserts and is certainly one of the best varieties for canning.
A strong plant in a 5 litre container £32.40.

Cherry ‘Juliet’
 (pictured banner top of page)

Bush cherry Juliet, offers both sweetness and sufficient sourness.  It has enough large and sweet fruits to delight fruit lovers, and on the other hand, the dark red fruits, despite their high sugar level and sourness-accentuated nature, are also good for processing, for juice, compote, jam and canning. 
A strong plant in a 5 litre container £32.40.

Cherry ‘Romeo’

The bush cherry variety Romeo is similar to Juliet. However, this variety has a markedly moderate acidity and is very mild and round, which in turn is particularly well-suited for eating fresh. Romeo ripens the latest of all bush cherries, from the end of July to August – and it extends the enjoyment of cherries until mid to late summer.
A strong plant in a 5 litre container £32.40.

For more information check out the Lubera website at: www.lubera.co.uk