Chatsworth Show Gardens announced

The Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) newest show, RHS Chatsworth Flower Show (5th to 9th June 2019) partnered by Wedgwood, will see stunning gardens created within the magnificent backdrop of Derbyshire’s Chatsworth. This year sees the introduction of a new mindfulness category and a BBC Regional Gardens category.

Below we look at the Show Garden and Mindfulness categories with a brief description.

Show Gardens:

From Darkness to Light’ (above) designed by Lynn Heslop – this garden represents a journey that is undertaken by a person who has experienced a trauma in their life. The initial upset is symbolised by a tunnel on entering the garden representing dark times. Along a raised walkway, a corner leads to a lighter brighter place, highlighting the concept of life getting better. A cascading water feature at the end of the path represents release into better times. This garden’s concept is from personal experience and is the reason the designer started studying with the RHS so it has an important message for visitors. This garden is sponsored by R&M Builders, ADP Architecture and Green Mile Trees.

‘The Wedgwood Garden’ (above) designed by Jamie Butterworth, for sponsor Wedgwood, has been inspired by RHS founder John Wedgwood’s vision of using the power of horticulture and plants to connect people and unite communities. Jamie draws inspiration from John Wedgwood’s personal garden and handpicked many plants from his original plant journal, such as roses, herbs, and sweet peas. The colour pallet references Wedgwood’s Jasperware of rich sky blue, lush greens and deep crimson.

‘Find Yourself …. Lost in the Moment ..‘ (above) is designed by Samantha Harvey for Derby College Group. The theme of this show garden is mindfulness, a space to get lost in the present moment. A key feature includes two carved wooden spiral sculptures emerging from a sea of soft loose planting against a dramatic backdrop of characterful doors, each representing a new possibility. A circular wooden patio inlaid with coloured glass forms a delicate spiral pattern with soft planting surrounded by a broken boundary of silvered vertical sleepers of different heights, representing the diversity of Derby College. This garden is also sponsored by Robert Watts Sculptor, Harlow Bros Ltd, Creation Landscapes and Ocean Designs.

Mindfulness Gardens:

This new category at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show has attracted some interesting and imaginative designs. Below is a brief description of each garden in the category.

‘Tending the Mind’ (above) designed by Brent Purtell, is imagined as the garden of a small central city apartment terrace, combining sleek, modern undertones to create a relaxed, yet ordered setting to help unwind the mind. The overall effect is to provide a relaxed space to sit and tune in to nature. Planting will give a sense of the wild, with a forest/woodland style.

‘The Mandala Mindfulness Garden’ (above) designed by Rachael Quin, centres around mandalas which are widely used to aid mindful contemplation. Naturalistic planting will bring rural peace to an imagined urban setting. The design creates a woodland feel with a central wild-flower meadow to attract pollinating insects. A central triangular sculpture is capped with a smooth stone and a leaf – a Zen symbol of simplicity.

‘Space within’ (above) designed by Rae Wilkinson celebrates the wellness benefits of biophilic space, sensory planting and forest bathing. Intended as a retreat and meditation space, flanked by sensory herbs and textured green walls, the journey through the garden takes in a moon gate climber curtain to the central mini forest. The central deck will provide a meditation platform while the two moon gates act as an entrance and backdrop to the garden.

‘The Thrive Garden’ (above) designed by Richard Rogers for sponsor Thrive, features a Leafspirit sculpture, depicting a state of meditation and highlights a link between the natural world and human nature. The sculpture is designed to evoke relaxation while representing the observation of thoughts and feelings. Lush planting and areas of water will evoke a state of tranquil but alert presence that comes from mindfulness practices.

Eutierria’ designed by Neil Sutcliffe, is intended to represent a real garden with a subtle nod towards the transition from a man-made environment on hardwood decking to an earthy natural world.

Information and tickets for RHS Chatsworth Flower Show are available from:

Picture credits: Banner image ©Reckless Gardener, credit Emma J Campbell; all garden designs strictly ©individual designers named.