Find inspiration at BBC Gardeners’ World Live


Show gardens are always the ultimate way to find inspiration and ideas to recreate in your own garden at home. At BBC Gardeners’ World Live (16th to 19th June, 2016 NEC Birmingham) visitors will have plenty of opportunity to pick up new ideas and discover new plants.

This year sees a number of new features at the show including the Rose Festival in the Floral Marquee. Leading rose specialists will be displaying sumptuous roses as well as demonstrating skills and techniques to help you get the best out of your plants.

There is also a new Gardeners’ Advice and Demo Bench, which will host experts on each day to help you choose what to buy, how to plant it and then how to look after your plants.

New plants on display this year will include a new Streptocarpus from Dibleys Nursery – ‘Titania’ and a new Geum from East of Eden Nursery – ‘Geum Emmylou’. Harkness Roses will be introducing ‘Eve Rose’ a charming new floribunda with long lasting clusters of bright pink blooms.


As the Show falls during National Flower Week (13th to 19th June) there will be special features including Flowers from the Farm, a network of cut-flower growers who will be demonstrating how the get the best out of cut-flowers and arrangements.

The Show Gardens are always one of the highlights of BBC Gardeners’ World. Visitors will be able to enjoy five show gardens in the APL Avenue (with Association of Professional Landscapers, APL). The winning gardens will have gone through a rigorous selection proves to select the very best, with distinctive styles, stunning design and great ideas that can be achieved in a small space.

In the Beautiful Borders category, nine gardens – each designed on a literary theme – will demonstrate how, in just a few square meters, each garden can really pack a punch. This year, significant anniversaries are being commemorated including Shakespeare, Roald Dhal and Rudyard Kipling.

The Allotment Garden will be demonstrate a working allotment packed with inspiration on how to grow better, but not necessarily bigger veg, fruit and herbs.


Paul Stone will celebrate the Midlands’ 100 miles of canals with The Canal Boat Garden, (pictured above) a lock side scene complete with a full size narrow boat. Wyevale Garden Centres, in partnership with award-winning designer Alexandra Froggatt, will present a stunning garden inspired by the garden buildings of ‘folly’ often found in the landscapes of Capability Brown and the English tradition of high tea.

The Health for Life Urban Community Garden, designed by Owen Morgan, celebrates the use of community gardening as a device to engage with wider social issues.

middle-NEW-Green-GWL-Logo-Lexus-copyBBC Gardeners’ World Live runs at the NEC from 16th to 19th June. For ticket information log onto:

Photo credits: All photographs ©BBC Gardeners’ World